Featured Image by Don Nelson
According to an August 2012 post from Psychology Today, “Guilt is, first and foremost, an emotion… It’s more accurate to think of guilt as an internal state. In the overall scheme of emotions, guilt is in the general category of negative feeling states. It’s one of the “sad” emotions, which also include agony, grief, and loneliness, according to one comprehensive framework.”
However, like so many of our other emotions, we really don’t know why we have guilt other than it results from experiencing other emotions. Many psychiatrists and psychologist agree that its origin is from childhood when the child fears to show their true emotions due to acceptance or approval from their parents or peers. As they mature, guilt can create a negative inhibition.
Audio by II Volo 2010
According to the above-referenced post, there are five types of guilt.
- Guilt for something you did.
- Guilt for something you didn’t do, but want to.
- Guilt for something you think you did.
- Guilt that you didn’t do enough to help someone.
- Guilt that you’re doing better than someone else.
The question remains, does that inner person of negative control (Guilt) inhibit your life? If we think about it, at some point in our life, guilt influenced and prevented self-happiness. Did you overcome and heal from the experience or do you still live with the guilt?
In my life, all five types of guilt controlled me and kept me from finding self-happiness. It took years and persistent strength to break from its control. My latest book tells the story of my journey of healing.
Guilt — My Companion is a fictional book based on true events from my life. I wrote the original manuscript over five years ago and it has gone through many transformations to arrive in its current form. In the beginning, it was for my own therapeutic purpose and to share with a few chosen individuals. As I made the many changes, I recognized other people who share similar stories might benefit from my narrative.
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