Something New
I am one step closer now in releasing the 2nd edition of One Month, 20 Days, and a Wake Up. If you’re a writer, you know the editing, and we never complete the changes. We’re never satisfied, but we have to stop at some point, or we would never publish or post our writing
Since I’m self-publishing this book, I’m required to format the manuscript for eBook and paperback formats. Each has its unique nuances. If the ultimate product has presentation errors, it is just as bad as being poorly written. I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice to state; it is a painstaking and timely process.
I thought it might entertain you to share another section of the book. Instead of me copying a part and you reading it, I recorded it in hopes it might grab your attention. This is my first attempt at dabbling with a different medium.
I selected the introduction this time because it sets the temperament of the manuscript. I didn’t write this book to make any political statement, although I believe I did for the Vietnam Veteran. I wrote it to share a portion of my life that influenced and changed me. I wanted the reader to have an insight from my viewpoint into what it meant to be a PJ. I wanted people to know the sacrifices and risks my fellow PJs did to rescue and save lives. I wanted you to know that we risked all to fulfill our motto: “We do these things so that others may live.”
The United States Air Force Pararescue
Thoughts of a Pararescueman
I am that which others do not want to be. I chose to go where others fear and excel where they have failed.
I ask for nothing from those that will not give… and reluctantly accept the thought of eternal loneliness should I fail.
I have seen the face of death, felt the stinging cold of fear; I have realized the harsh reality of just what this job is all about. I enjoyed the sweet taste of victory and love, but those were just fleeting moments.
I have cried, pained and hoped, most of all, I have lived times others would say are best forgotten…But,
At least I will be able to say that I was proud of who and what I am and that in my heart and soul I will always be a “PJ”
<Unknown author>
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