How many times have we been told that an author’s book cover can make or break its success? They tell us a picture is worth a thousand words. Walt Disney is quoted as saying, “Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language”. There are thousands of quotes, but the message is still the same; pictures or images used for our books are essential marketing tools. My guess, as important as the catchy title.
Now that my next book is in its final stages. I’m asking for opinions for a cover. Below are three sample covers and I’m asking you to help me select the best one. Of the three books I’ve written, this last one has been the hardest. I have so many emotions invested, it’s difficult for me to select one objectively. I have my favorite of the three covers, but it could be the least effective.
To help, here is the book description I have written:
This story begins in the 60’s, a period filled with social and personal injustice. Guilt — My Companion, is a memoir of strength and recovery from a dysfunctional family. It tells the story of the protagonist’s struggle with his conscience against societies’ ignorance and prejudice. It follows his journey to recoup from personal tragedy and grief.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Live is a journey, not a destination”. But for this story, the journey is the destinations he took. It wasn’t where he intended, and he had little control of the paths he took. Along those paths were heartaches and defeat. He found deception, prejudice, and hate. Lay in waiting was his companion, guilt; the robber of personal pleasure. Follow his story and discover when he conquered guilt, there was nothing inhibiting his self-happiness.
With your comment, please tell me the cover you prefer and why it appeals to you. As always I thank you for your support of my writing.
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